"The Frog King" (844.7 KiB)
by Jean-Daniel Plüss
"The Influence of Swedish Pentecostalism in India" (400.1 KiB)
by T.P. Varghese
"The gospel and culture in Pentecostal mission in the third World" (68.4 KiB)
by Allan H. Anderson
"Beginnings of the Pentecostalism in Lativa" (64.2 KiB)
by Valdis Tèraudkalns
"The Experience of Christ's Real Presence in Faith as a Goal for Lutheran Charismatic Renewal" (293.5 KiB)
by Markku Antola
"Two Movements of the Holy Spirit in the 20th Century?" (79.7 KiB)
by Harold D. Hunter